Sunday, April 17, 2011

School Days...

We finally decided it was time to get Gavin out of the house and into daycare. We enrolled him at La Petite Academy 3 weeks ago. It's a daycare that also focuses on learning, that why we call it school for Gavin. He had a little trouble, as all kids do, adjusting the first week or so. But now he gets excited when we pull into the parking lot to drop him off. He seems to really like his teacher Ms. Holly and the other kids. He even takes a good, long nap everyday. He attends 3 days a week. They feed him breakfast, lunch and snacks. They have outdoor play time, art time, and do things like learning the alphabet and story time. So far Ian and I are very pleased. We think Gavin is too. It's nice to see him interacting and playing with other kids his own age.