Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Big Boy with a Fork...

Gavin is in such a hurry to be independent, and be a big boy. He has decided he will no longer allow anyone to feed him. He wants to use his own silverware and eat like a big boy. I was a little hesitant at first, especially since he decided to exude his independence while dining out at Olive Garden, but to keep the peace we rolled with it. To our amazement he fed himself ravioli using a fork and actually got it in his mouth 90% of the time.
We are so proud of him... one for being smart enough to manipulate a situation knowing we are in public and vulnerable, and two for learning so quickly how to use a fork since we hadn't yet taught him. He is more observant than I give him credit.
We would like to add that no adults or children were injured during the dinner as a result of letting a one year old feed himself with a big fork... sigh of relief.

1 comment:

  1. what a big boy... He's darn cute in this picture! can't wait for girls evening out.
