Rylan Robert-Archie Johnson
Born October 9, 2011 at 2:02 am
Weighing 4lbs 0.1oz, and 17 inches
Born October 9, 2011 at 2:02 am
Weighing 4lbs 0.1oz, and 17 inches
I love a good surprise as much as the next person, but when baby Rylan arrived 8 weeks early it was both a good surprise and a scary surprise. It was hard for me to believe I was in labor at only 32 weeks. The contractions started while I was at work and by the time I reached home they had become uncomfortable and frequent. I tried soaking in a warm bath, convinced it was all in my head. However, the contractions only grew with intensity and soon were measuring 5 minutes apart.
Out of desperation I called the doctor on-call for guidance, not knowing what to do next. I was instructed to drink plenty of fluids and stay off my feet in an attempt to stop the contractions. Staying off your feet is not an easy task when your pregnant and drinking copious amounts of fluid. Needless to say, by midnight I was back on the phone with the doctor, having what were now painful, frequent contractions. I prayed the doctor would simply tell me to head to the hospital where they would magically stop my contractions. Instead I was told that babies are born all the time at 32 weeks. I'm pretty sure she was trying to reassure me... it didn't work.
I woke a groggy Ian, explaining the situation. He probably thought he was dreaming. In fact the whole rest of the night seemed like a dream. We called the babysitter to stay with Gavin and rushed to the hospital. We were checked in at the ER and taken upstairs to labor and delivery. I went to put my gown on and before they could even attach the monitors I had my first big contraction. I explained to the nurse that I actually had the urge to push and with that the doctor decided to check how far my labor had progressed. Ian decided to quickly run to the car for his phone. While he was out of the room things got really interesting. To my surprise she said it was time. More staff were instantly called and I was being whisked to a new room just as Ian returned.
As soon as we arrived in the new room an IV was started. Thank goodness the nurse was good with a needle because no sooner had she finished when I had what would be my last contraction. The doctor instructed me to push, and without any effort Rylan was born. What happened next seems like a dream. It wasn't like it was when I had Gavin. First, Ian wasn't given the opportunity to cut the umbilical cord. Second, there was no holding him after he was born. Nope... the staff jumped into action and before I knew it Rylan was taken to the NICU with Ian at his side. So there I laid by myself wondering what the heck just happened.
Rylan so beautiful, but so small and fragile. When I was finally able to see him it was hard to hold back tears. My precious little boy was in an open heated crib with an IV, feeding tube, and baby cpap helping him to breath. We weren't able to hold him, which was definitely the hardest part. I felt helpless.
Sadly Ian and I were sent home while our precious Rylan remained in the hospital for 2 months. We visited everyday hoping and praying for his health and steady growth. It was so scary holding him, so small and fragile, but the nurses weren't letting me off that easy. They made me get over my fears by making me get in there and providing general care for him. So despite all the tubes and wires everyday I visited we cuddled doing kangaroo time, skin to skin. Even now looking back at how scary the situation was I loved having that individual, bonding time with him. All of our family and friends took the time to come and love him, as well as provide love and support for us. We are truly blessed!
With Rylan having to stay in the hospital I made the decision after three weeks to return to work. As sad as I was that I wouldn't be able to spent nearly as much time with him I knew it was smarter to save my maternity leave for when he came home. On the days I worked I got up early and spent a few hours with him before work, and then spent my evenings with Gavin. Three weeks after returning to work I was surprised to learn he was ready to come home. I thought for sure it would be another two to three weeks. In fact when the doctor suddenly said "OK are you ready to take him home today?" I actually had to say no, I wasn't quite ready. However, the very next day we finally brought baby Rylan home were he belonged.
Although we were elated to be bringing Rylan home we had heavy hearts saying goodbye to all the wonderful staff who cared for Rylan. With the amazing compassion and love of the nurses and staff taking care of Rylan he slowly got bigger and stronger. I can't thank them enough for all they did for our little baby and for us. The NICU nurses and staff are truly angels, who will always be in our hearts.
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